Monday, February 8, 2010

Ahh...pooor Blog, how I've neglected you....

Well, thing have been busy around our house as usual...I continue to work 3 jobs to help support my family, I guess my stay at home mom days are long gone forever....I am still in mourning for them....
My husband started his new job last week working WAY out in the country far away, at least a 90 minute drive from our home.  The discussion of moving closer has come up, but, causes us all too much stress, so has been put off until the summer.

I have still been painting quite a bit, but, haven't been posting, so I will post some letters now....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Family Letters for Stacey

Here are some letters using Stacey's last name!  Something new!  Very colorful...I took inspiration of her tattoos!

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Price increases take effect tonight at midnight, for my 4 3/4 inch handpainted wooden letters!  Get your customized letters at this great price, before it's too late!!!

Starting tomorrow, January 1st, 2010, ALL 4 3/4 inch letters will NOW be $14 each! 

Remember, any time you'd like to add glitter, or rhinestones, to let me know, each letter costs an additional $2 to bejewel!  It makes a big difference though, and it's totally worth it for your little princess!

Check out my Etsy site in the left hand column!

Rowaen Letters

Rowaen's letters on ETSY!
Here are my 'Niece' Rowaen's letters!  Can't wait to meet her!!!
They are based on a canvas painted by her Auntie Dee Dee!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Time

Christmas time here at the Sweet house was a lot busier than I anticipated!  I fell a little behind in my painting.  Well, I will remember to schedule accordingly for next year!  Some of the dates have changed for letter completion, I had to do some shuffling around a bit, but, nothing has moved by more than a week or two either way.  I will try to stick more closely to this schedule, and maybe even make up some time this week!

Thanks for your understanding!  All dates are subject to change!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mitchell Letters Finally Here!

So!  These Mitchell letters were painted for a couple in the USA.  They were pregnant with their first baby, and designing his room with colors from his bedding!  Well, the little guys decided to make an early Christmas appearance, and was born on December 19th, instead of early January!  What a great Christmas present!  I am sending these GIGANTIC letters to them on Monday morning, so they will be that PERFECT final touch to the little guy's bedroom

Okay and here are the pics I used to match:

So the letters are meant to hang above the crib between the 2 windows!  FUN!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Trinket Box

Here is a little trinket box I painted for a Christmas gift:

Although you can't tell from the photo, three of the circles are glittery!

Next post will be Mitchell letters, now 90% completed!!!!
Merry Christmas!