Monday, November 30, 2009

Grace's Letters

Okay, so I took 2 sets of pictures, let me know what you think?  One set shows off the colors really well, the other shows off the glitter!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grace's Letters Posted Tomorrow!!


Grace's letters are all done!  Glitter & all, this is a new color combination, that looks GREAT!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

YAY! Ashley's letters are DONE!

Here they are, all covered in GLITTER!  I wish I was a photographer, and could figure out the proper lighting to show these off!  The pics don't do them justice!



Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ashley Letters Update

I worked hard today on Ashley's letters.  They will be finished tomorrow, and I will post pics, but, not until the afternoon. 

Today, I am feeling sick, so, it depends on how I am feeling tomorrow, whether I start on Grace's letters, or wait a day or two, and see if I am any better.

Watch for the beautiful, girlie letters, tomorrow afternoon!

Sweetie OUT!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Here is where I paint....

So here are some pictures of where I paint, it is in the basement, I have a "no kids allowd" area.  I have a little heating pad, because it can be quite chilly down there, and usually wear layers!  I have a stack of drawing/painting books, and sketches on the corner of my table.

The pool table has been covered with my Mural canvas to save the dust from all the sanding that has to be done, when I get the letters.  I have recruited my husband to help with this, but, I mostly still do it myself.

Here is a look from the other side.

Here is the the name I am currently working on!

Letters This Week

This week I am working on some REALLy Girlie letters.  It will be challenging to see how it goes, as I am now working p/t Friday nights and Saturdays.  It will be an adjustment, but, since Sunday is my BIG painting day, I am commited to completely things in a timely manner. 

I will try to post progress pics, so you can see how they are coming over the next few days....

Sweetie OUT.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bryn's Letters

So, here are Bryn's letters.  They are bright, and colorful, and with more glitter, and sparkle than anything I've done to date!  I love the cheerful colors and flowers, it reminds me of an island wedding bouquet (not sure why?).  The painting was quite challenging, in that, it took MANY coats to cover such a bright background!
I hope she likes them as much as I do!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Letters

I have just completed painting Becky's HUGE order of six names!  Ben, Sam, Calli, Haley, Tyler, & Bryn.  I am planning to post pictures of Bryn's bright colorful letters, tomorrow!!!  I have painted something unlike anything I have done before, and am excited to see how the pictures turn out!!!

 I try to take pictures in the morning, because the light is natural, and the pictures turn out best in natural light!  Sometimes, I am so excited to take pictures, it is hard for me to wait, and post in the morning of the next day!

The orders are POURING in now, and I am busier than ever!  For every name I do, I am taking 1-3 more orders!

I am now booking into February, and have 5 unconfirmed orders for February as it is, I ALWAYS book on first come first serve, however, I have fit IN a few names here and there for rush clients....I will soon have to start charging extra for rush orders!  BE INFORMED!! :)

Sweetie OUT!

My Etsy Letters

Here is the link to my site...

Learning How to Blog

So here I am sitting in front of my computer (as usual), trying to figure out how to work this Blog thing....let's start with this post and see how things go!