Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A little sidetracked...


I know I said I would post pics of the progress of Mitchell's letters, but, I changed my mind...I am about 80% done them hopefully the end of the week, or beginning of next will bring completion to that project.

I have ventured off a little on a side project.  It's a flower shaped wooden box.  I painted it as a gift, and slightly personalized it.  I will post pictures of it later in the week.  I know, I know, I WILL post it though.  I am more keen to post picture of completed work, rather than partially completed projects, because they look terrible when they are partially completed, even to me.  Even when I can visualize what they will look like, sometimes that vision changes, or evolves into something else, something better, in the midst of painting....

Anyway, rant completed.....
Sweetie Out.

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